Saturday, October 29, 2011

Obama’s Bin Laden Movie; Operation Hollywood's Help To Re-Elect Him

 by Katie Wick
Surprise, surprise, Congress reached a deal and the President rode in on his white horse to sign it. Now Americans can enjoy a big economic sigh of relief right? Not so fast, you might want to hold off on that a little longer because it was what came after the compromise that should have every single Constitution-loving American concerned.  America has officially been set up for a dictatorship and the media once again is sugar coating the facts as they boil your minds in deception

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. As far as presidential candidates, I only care that they are committed to rolling back the liberal agenda that has gone untouched and in high gear since LBJ.

    Anyway, Dictatorship is about right.


I have no tolerances for left wingers, illegal-occupiers, America-hating, Christian-hating, right-wing hating, Jew-hating, scum. If you have an issue with that. You are free to leave and go to another blog, there are millions of them out there, and a half of million who love your kind.