Sunday, December 9, 2012

NO! The Republican Party Is Not Down And Out!

 All I read about in the blogs these days is about the death of the Republican- conservative party .  Well I believe that these stories are no only greatly exaggerated but just plain stupid and dirty propaganda spread by the Liberals. Who are using their same old dirty tricks to destroy the support for the conservative party.   . For about two years now, certain well known bloggers have been declaring the demise of the Republican Party.
By all means we should learn from experience, yes we have a lot to learn and the first thing we need to learn is that the opposition party, the Liberals will stop at nothing to win. So what can we do about that?
I suggest that we fight Fire with Fire, and give them a firm dose of their own medicine.  We saw how these cheats and liars acted at the debates and on their campaign adds.  Lets start by learning from that!


  1. There IS no civility in politics anymore, so why should WE be civil to them? They sure as hell don't reciprocate...

  2. There IS no civility in politics anymore, so why should WE be civil to them? They sure as hell don't reciprocate...


I have no tolerances for left wingers, illegal-occupiers, America-hating, Christian-hating, right-wing hating, Jew-hating, scum. If you have an issue with that. You are free to leave and go to another blog, there are millions of them out there, and a half of million who love your kind.